
Due to many cutbacks and monetary thrift of the federal and state government, hospitals are required to maintain a higher level of productivity with fewer resources.
In order to receive timely and accurate payments from Medicaid, a hospital must identify the eligible patient population, the appropriate program source, and must be in strict compliance will all of the Medicaid requirements.

The self pay accounts receivable is demanding in nature; requiring more of a cost investment due to the need of manpower with less of a return on investment.
The uninsured and underinsured are reaching all time highs; hospitals can not rely on the collection agency alone to collect these receivable dollars.

Outsourcing of responsibilities has become the resolution of choice.
Patient Access problems typically stem from deficiencies in a number of areas, including: education, training, staffing levels, workflow and/or poorly implemented computer software.

Healthcare providers across the country continue to face obstacles in establishing and maintaining acceptable profitable operating margins.
Healthcare organizations are faced with the haunting dilemma of retaining a staff tailored to their needs. They also face the challenges of improving and sustaining quality customer service.

The growing number of MVA and Workers’ Compensation claims has increased over the years and requires dedication to meticulous follow up. Reviews are not supported thoroughly due to the decreasing number of team members associated with the business offices today.