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Service 4

The Self Pay accounts receivable is demanding in nature because it requires additional manpower, and the return on investment is less. It is also compounded when the uninsured and underinsured population is not properly identified for Charity Care screening or eligibility.

The PF Concepts team provides a customer service-friendly approach and screens each patient to determine their eligibility for the Charity Care program. Our bi-lingual resource services team provides the patient with a full-service approach to resolving their financial manner. Complete application assistance is available and provided to ensure all necessary documents are presented. We also provide travel to the patient residency or business as needed.

The self pay accounts receivable is demanding in nature; requiring more of a cost investment due to the need of manpower with less of a return on investment.


Typical Improvements include:

  • Decrease in  the Self Pay Accounts Receivable

  • Increased Patient and Customer Satisfaction

  • Decrease in Bad Debt Write Offs and related expenses

  • Maximize Charity Care Subsidy Reimbursements

The ultimate satisfaction of our clients is a requirement of our corporate objective.

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